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- Consulting activities
- Functioning model
Functioning model
Our company's consulting activities function on a model that can be divided into three basic phases. These phases are vital for the effective management of changes in the enterprise. When constructing these phases we used our long-term knowledge of how enterprise processes functioned.
1st phase – Monitoring the company
Before introducing any change, the status the enterprise is in must be uniquely defined. Our company uses the API Index, which shows the level of maturity of the enterprise's system. Based on the results of the API index we can, together with the management of the company, define an action plan which will uniquely contribute to the enterprise.
Why did we choose this way? Each management member looks at the enterprise in a bit different way – one sees the problem as time, the other thinks that the problem is in developing new products, the third thinks that the enterprise has too much stock, the fourth thinks that staff costs are too high, etc. Of course, each of them is right. However, where is the blockage? What is the priority? To find the answer, the enterprise must be viewed as a whole and its processes, structure, economy, etc evaluated.
2nd phase– Implementing changes
After monitoring the company the second phase starts – Implementing changes. Changes can be implemented in four basic ways.
- Projects – our company resolves projects derived from DMAIC philosophy. Each project has measurable objectives. We act as the project manager. Therefore, we are responsible for the results of the project. In most cases it is best to carry out projects over six months.
- Quick Win Workshops – if changes are needed very rapidly, Q-Win Workshop is the right tool. A workshop may last 4 to 5 days. During the workshop corrective measures are directly carried out so as to finally present an actual result and contribution.
- Education and training – if necessary and required, we can support all activities with education and training. In most cases these activities support the introduction of changes. Our object is to transfer our practical knowledge to our partners and clients.
- Coaching – we coach project managers and give them professional support so that project solving is effective with measurable results.
3rd phase – Evaluating changes and starting new activities
Each change must have its contribution which can be shown by the increased overall efficiency of the process, cost savings, increased productivity, etc. The best way to continue is by defining new calls and starting this process again. If you think this process is never ending, you are right. The process of improvement never ends.
Project areas
Each enterprise can be looked at from various sides. Our view is called the API Index. The API Index will classify the enterprise into one of four development stages:
- Power crisis – enterprise processes are not very efficient. The enterprise is in the phase where mass production prevails and there are signs that the process needs building up. Usually the problem lies in the place where product or service originates.
- Structure crisis – the efficiency of enterprise processes is slowly increasing. However, the enterprise is still on the border of building up the system and a developed system. The problem is in the structure of the enterprise.
- Strategy crisis – enterprise processes are very efficient. The system is also well adjusted. However, the problem is with products and strategy.
- Excellence – from the viewpoint of the efficiency of processes the enterprise is at a high level. The system is perfect. We focus mainly on developing new business systems.
It is very important to know where the enterprise is located to be able to correctly implement changes. Each change must be correctly focused to have the desired effect. Accordingly tools are selected which are then applied.
The API Index can be divided into five sectors:
- Mass production – no standards are set or kept in the enterprises. Processes have a high level of waste and non-effective activities. Client orientation is very low. The enterprise does not have any long-term plans. Very long propagation time. Almost zero system flexibility.
- Introducing the system – the enterprise has set up a system which is kept. The management and employees evaluate the efficiency of processes and implement corrective measures. The enterprise starts to function as a team company. However, the link between the objectives of the enterprise and those of the team does not function.
- Developed system – the enterprise has its system which is well established. It starts to slowly improve at all levels. The development of the system is reflected mainly in the service and administrative departments. The enterprise can classify enterprise objectives up to team objectives. These objectives are regularly evaluated and measures taken. Very flexible system.
- Mature system – the enterprise is focused on flexibility which is shown by a short propagation time. Product development is very good. There is feedback from the client. All departments in the enterprise function on team work principles.
- Excellent system – the system is perfect. The enterprise has time and space to develop the business system. The system is flexible and the team can react very quickly to changes. The main focus of the enterprise is developing new products and business systems.